The capsid alignment GT1.capsid.c3 assembled by SAM roughly corresponds to Pfam PF19307, but is broader in its incorporation of the Mx8 family. The Mx8 family does match PF19307 by hhpred HMM to HMM comparison, but not by a hmmer search. That alignment was broadened further by adding P22, T7, and HK97 major capsid proteins relying on hhpred HMM to HMM comparisons. However, other than adding those three sequences to flesh out the root position of the capsid tree, P22, T7 and HK97 sequences were not further merged into the alignment. The nexus file used to make the figure in the supported manuscript, capsid.master6.mb.nex, is included. It has the alignment columns representing "insert" states removed and has P22, T7, and HK97 added conforming to HHpred comparisons.